Click on this image for the Astronaut view
Is this an ancient
astronaut? Cited by Erich Von Daniken in his book, Chariots
of the Gods, the sarcophagus of Pacal, Lord of Palenque, was
discovered in a tomb deep within the pyramid called the Temple of the
Inscriptions at Palenque.
Although some believe the image on the lid, as shown above, depicts an
early astronaut at the controls of his spaceship, archaeologists propose
that it shows Lord Pacal at the moment of his death (683 AD). He
is falling (see left) into the jaws of the great underworld Monster,
while the Vision Serpent writhes below the Celestial Bird, who sits atop
the World Tree. These symbols demonstrate the Maya belief that the
spirit of the king would eventually return from his underworld journey
to assist his successor in ceremonial visions.